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La cancion del dia: Melissa Manchester - Looking through the eyes of love : Salvemos a mi pueblo

26 de abril de 2009

La cancion del dia: Melissa Manchester - Looking through the eyes of love

Otra de las Grandes: Melissa Manchester - Looking through the eyes of love
by fenix

Looking Through The Eyes Of Love
Melissa Manchester

powered by Leo's Lyric Database

Please, don't let this feeling end
It's everything I am
Everything I want to be
I can see what's mine now
Finding out what's true
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love
Now, I can take the time
I can see my life
As it comes up shining now
Reaching out to touch you
I can feel so much
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love
And now, I do believe
That even in a storm we'll find some light
Knowing you're beside me, I'm all right
Please, don't let this feeling end
It might not come again
And I want to remember
How it feels to touch you
How I feel so much
Since I found you
Looking through the eyes of love

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1 comentario:

  1. ¡¡¡Delightful!!! ¡¡¡Lovable!!! ¡¡¡Enjoyable!!!


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